Personal tax returns

Time to get personal

Anant Accounting is committed to help you achieve your financial well being through professional planning to effectively manage your income, expenses, debts, and investments in a manner that supports you to achieve your financial goals.

Whether it is buying a new house, a new car or saving for your retirement, managing your taxes is a good start. Anant’s in house personal tax experts can help with tax return filing and planning support through out the year.

Working Together

When we work with you, we discuss your tax situation, current tax status, as well as tax planning guidance for the future. Once your tax filing is complete, we’ll continue to support throughout the year just in case there is any CRA communication needs. Our clients range from many professional strata and we offer flexibility as it suits you best.

Let’s keep this online

What are your long-term financial goals? Let’s collaborate so you can meet them. we gather the bulk of your tax info through our CRA online portal and the rest you send electronically. We assess your RRSPs, TFSAs and tax credits so you can keep more of your dollars. When we’re done, we’ll meet to explain everything before filing.

Book an appointment

Our personal tax accountants have extensive experience, so you can trust us to provide proven strategies. We’ve helped numerous clients,  and we’re confident we can help you achieve your financial goals too. Contact us today to Book an appointment and take the first step towards financial well being!

Personal income tax or Self employed; We can help

Whether you are a salaried with T4 slips or self employed owner of a business, whether you have just RRSP and TFSA investments or you are property investor with steady rental income, our personal tax accountants would be happy to discuss your tax filing needs.

Get in Touch With Anant

Contact us today or go ahead and book a appointment to discuss your personal income tax or small business tax situation and we’ll be happy to assist you!


Personal tax returns

Small Business tax

Accounting Services